Thursday, July 21, 2011

An introduction of sorts ...

As an undergrad I was a journalism major who wrote for my campus weekly. Of all the positions I held my favorite was that of Editorial Director. I am a loud mouthed, opinionated type A personality so I love that I can share my thoughts with a captive audience. It has been a decade since I graduated and my career path has me writing lesson plans instead of opinion pieces these days. However, as a way to hold on to an old love I have toyed with the idea of a blog which seemed more doable than a book. The decision was made but a topic was yet to be determined. Like most people, I write about what I know. Right now, that's family life. Yes, I know who wants to read about the life and times of a housewife and stay at home mommy? What's exciting about dishes, laundry and dirty diapers and how is it different from any other wife/mom's life?Well, it probably isn't but it can be entertaining nonetheless.

When I think back to all my many romantic day dreams about the man who would sweep me off my feet and the life that we would undoubtedly live together I can tell you without the shadow of a doubt that the fantasy did not include kiddos from a previous marriage or an ex-wife. However, life has oh-so-gently reminded me every day for the last five years that a) fantasies are a fantastic notion that are not grounded in reality and b) I am not in control of these things. Or anything thing for that matter.

It just so happens that the man of my dreams turned out to be a fireman with a two adorable kiddos and one ex-wife who has, um, made life complicated. Now, throw in a wacky schedule and being a new-ish mom juggling all that comes with a toddler, a new baby on the way, an elderly live-in grandmother who requires care, expectations, hopes and dreams and our life seems to always be in some state of turmoil or constant change. While my family unit isn't what I would have picked from the Happily Family catalog it is what the good Lord delivered to me and for that I am eternally grateful. It's just another day in paradise. I would fight to the death for my husband and kiddos but, truthfully, I never thought I would feel like I was doing it every day and sometimes against people who should be fighting alongside me instead of against me but such is my life. Sometimes we are fighting against an invisible enemy such has a change in our relationship with our ‘tween daughter or how to "blend" a new sibiling into an already "blended" family. Or sometimes we are fighting against an opponent that we can put a face or a name to easily whether it be another person or the multitude of emotions that come with parenthood.

We try desperately to protect our family from the causalities of life but find that it is harder than expected. Even the smallest of issues can be a battle field that you must navigate and you must tread lightly because so many factors complicate your ability to diffuse a situation that it is truly unbelievable. One wrong move and BOOM! you have triggered a land mine that could have irreparable damage. I know it sounds harsh to refer to my family life has a war zone but as far as analogies go it's the most accurate.

While our "war" is a day-to-day battle, we do enjoy our downtime with the "troops." We simply adore our little guy and have a pretty solid relationship with both of our older children despite all that has happened and continues to come up regularly. Communication is the number one family value we promote and we do our best to make sure the lines are open all the time--for good or bad.

I guess that's why I decided to start this blog. I know I am not the only new-ish mom/step-mother/wife out there who has fought the good fight yet I regularly feel as if I'm the lone solider on the front lines and, quite frankly, often find myself pissed off about it. I am not sure whether this blog will be simply cheap therapy for me or whether I'll be able to offer some guidance to those who have been recruited to join the mommy forces. I guess I am hoping for a combination of the two.

1 comment:

  1. Keep expressing yourself...I will listen. No one has a perfect life. It is brave of you to write and share.
