Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Banning Kids?

A friend of mine posted an interesting article on Facebook not long ago about how mainstream society and big business is thinking about, and in some cases, already banning children from certain locations. No kids in first class. No kids under 6 at nicer restaurants. No kids at the movies. No kids at the grocery store ... seriously? It got me thinking. I'd like to ban some people, too.

I'd like to ban the rude people who don't bother to look behind them when backing out therefor almost hitting me and/or taking up the whole lane in the parking lot and then looking at me like I'm the crazy one for being on their side of the lane. I'd like to ban the people at the grocery store who just park their cart in the middle of the aisle like they own the place and then seem peeved when I have to squeeze past them. I'd like to ban all the people who talk or text during the movie that I occasionally get to see and would like to watch in peace and quiet. I'd like to ban the people who see a pregnant woman with a child in a stroller and an elderly grandmother with a walker and don't bother to hold the door open. I'd like to ban the people who stare at me if my child so much as makes peep when we are at a restaurant. I don't care where you send them just don't let me see them again.

Kids, especially little ones, don't always know that what they are doing is inappropriate or bothersome--they are still learning. Most of the time I think they aren't doing it on purpose and even if they do, most responsible parents will remove them from the situation until they can be controlled. The jerks above do know what they are doing and do it anyway. I'm subjected to their behavior regardless of whether or not I want to be so why not ban them.  If you are going to ban a hardworking parent with a limited schedule who might be trying to enjoy a night out or feed her family because her kid is less than a perfect angel all the time then why not ban the rude, inconsiderate jack asses out there? Banning children is discrimination in my book. Not just against the kid but the parent as well. I'm not saying that I don't agree that children shouldn't be in certain situations but blanket bans like these seem unfair.

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