Thursday, April 26, 2012

Moving Sucks

In my vagabond days I moved at least once a year. In and out of dorms, to my grandparent's house, to an aunt's house, in with a boyfriend, cross country with a boyfriend, home after the break up ... For years all I did was move. It never seemed to phase me until now.  But my realization is that moving sucks. Plain and simple.

As a singleton, I had one room or a one bedroom apartment to move. As a married with children, I have significantly more. And moving with kids is more of a challenge because everything takes twice as long. I pack, he unpacks, the baby cries. I unpack, he repacks, the baby needs to eat. I close up boxes, he reopens them, we stop for snacks and diaper changes. It's an endless cycle and quite frankly I'm over it. Thankfully, this move went relatively smooth considering that my Gramma passed away just days before we moved and we were in complete and udder disarray in both our physical environment and emotional state. In fact, I think the move was just the distraction I needed to get me through the first week after Gramma's passing. (I wasn't avoiding the grieving part, just the public grieving. I prefer to grieve privately so having the excuse of my move allowed me to do that without any questions as to why I chose to be home.) It was kind of therapeutic because the immediate focus was on the task at hand so I could just power through what needed to be done and be alone with my thoughts at the same time without needing to "talk it out" every time I came across something that belonged to or reminded me of her. I'm not doing so well with that now that some time has passed and I am discovering mementos as I unpack.

We had help for several days which allowed us to get things over to the new place quicker than expected. Of course, because it was quicker than we expected, it was slightly chaotic. We had so many boxes in the garage that you could barely see the light of day when the door was open. It is a miracle I didn't trip, break a leg and get buried alive under boxes of bar ware and bathroom linens.  But three weeks in and this place feels more like home than any place else I have lived. We are still slowly unpacking (kids, remember?) and we hardly have anything on the walls and you still can't park a car in the garage but it's coming along. We made a whopping $1,400 at our garage sale  (Go us!) and that has allowed us to purchase the storage items we have needed along with a few goodies to "cozy" up the place. We've got a handle on the storage situations now and are ready to move on to decorating. I'm getting excited about that part. I know once we put our touches on everything this will really feel like home sweet home.

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